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How to Keep Supermarket Coriander Alive and Thriving? 2023 Guide

Coriander is an absolute must-have in any culinary creation! We know that this vibrant herb can add an extra burst of flavor and freshness to any dish. What if we find out a way to regrow coriander that we buy from a supermarket and enjoy our own harvest? Now you may ask how to keep supermarket coriander alive and thriving long after we bring it home from the supermarket.

Don’t worry, my friends, because I’ve got you covered. In this 2023 guide, we’re going to unveil the secret to not just keeping your supermarket coriander alive, but also regrowing it and maintaining its freshness right in the comfort of your own home. Let’s start exploring and unlock the green thumb within you!

The Common Challenge of Supermarket Coriander Wilting Quickly 

In dishes, coriander holds a special place, infusing them with its unique aroma and flavor. Supermarket coriander has a reputation for wilting quickly, leaving us disappointed and deprived of its fresh flavor. The main challenge lies in the herb’s delicate nature and the conditions it faces during transportation and storage. Exposure to fluctuating temperatures, limited airflow, and inadequate moisture all contribute to its rapid demise. 

But fear not, as there are ways to combat this issue. It is possible to overcome this challenge and enjoy a continuous supply of vibrant coriander in our culinary endeavors by selecting the freshest coriander, storing it appropriately, and even regrowing it at home.

How to Select Healthy Supermarket Coriander?

When it comes to selecting healthy coriander at the supermarket, a discerning eye is key. Look for bunches with vibrant, green leaves and sturdy stems. Take a closer look and examine the leaves for signs of freshness—avoid any discoloration, yellowing, or wilting. A healthy bunch should exude a pleasant, aromatic scent. 

Don’t hesitate to gently touch the stems to check their firmness. Remember, the quality of your coriander at the start will greatly impact its longevity. By being mindful of these factors, you’ll ensure that you bring home the freshest coriander to kick-start your culinary adventures.

Image by Whisker Flowers from Pixabay

How to Preserve Supermarket Coriander Upon Arrival?

In order to extend the shelf life of supermarket coriander, it is essential to preserve its freshness upon arrival. We have added some effective tips to help you achieve just that:

  • Trim the stems: Upon reaching home, trim the bottom of the coriander stems to promote water absorption and prevent wilting.
  • Rinse and dry: Gently rinse the coriander leaves under cold water to remove any dirt or debris. Pat them dry using a paper towel or a clean kitchen towel.
  • Moisture management: Wrap the coriander loosely in a damp paper towel or store it in a perforated plastic bag to maintain the right level of moisture. Excess moisture can lead to spoilage, so it’s essential to strike a balance.
  • Refrigeration techniques: Store the coriander in the refrigerator’s vegetable compartment, as it provides a slightly cooler and more humid environment. 

Tip: You can place the coriander in a jar filled with water, covering the stems and loosely tenting a plastic bag over the leaves.

Step-by-step Process to Keep Supermarket Coriander Alive

To keep supermarket coriander alive and thriving, regrowing them is the best thing you can do! Not only does it provide you with a continuous supply of fresh coriander, but it also adds a touch of greenery to your indoor space. Follow these step-by-step instructions to successfully regrow coriander from your supermarket purchase:

Choose a Pot First: Coriander grows best in wider pots with at least 6 to 10 inches of depth and drainage holes. Clay or terracotta pots are ideal for good airflow, while plastic or ceramic pots work too. Ensure proper spacing, sunlight, and airflow to promote healthy growth.

Step 1: Prepare the Stems

First, select a healthy coriander bunch, ensuring it has long stems, and then gently remove the lower leaves, leaving a small cluster of leaves near the top of the stem. Trim the bottom of the stem to about 2-3 inches in length.

Step 2: Choose a Regrowing Method 

There are two popular methods for regrowing coriander. Water propagation and soil propagation. You can choose one that suits your preference and available resources.

Water Propagation Method:

  • Fill a glass or jar with enough fresh water to submerge the trimmed stems.
  • Submerge the stems in the water, while the leaves remain above the surface.
  • Find a bright spot in your home away from direct sunlight to place the jar there.

Soil Propagation Method:

  • Fill a small pot or container with well-draining potting soil.
  • Make small holes in the soil, about an inch deep.
  • Insert the trimmed coriander stems into the holes.
  • Water the soil gently to provide moisture.

Step 3: Provide the Ideal Conditions:

Light: Place the coriander in a bright location that receives indirect sunlight for at least 6 hours a day. A windowsill or a south-facing window is ideal.

Temperature: Coriander prefers temperatures between 60 to 75 degrees F (15 to 24 degrees C). Avoid placing it in areas with extreme temperature fluctuations.

Watering: Water the coriander daily for the soil propagation method. Keep the water level consistent for the water propagation method, ensuring the stems remain submerged. 

Note: Water the soil when it feels dry to the touch.

Maintenance: Regularly monitor the growth of your coriander. Trim any yellowing or wilted leaves to encourage new growth. For soil propagation, you can also consider applying a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer once a month.

After a few weeks, you’ll notice new growth emerging from the coriander stems. As the leaves mature, you can start harvesting them by snipping the outer leaves while leaving the inner ones to continue growing. This way, your coriander plant will provide a continuous supply of fresh leaves for your culinary creations.

Thriving Supermarket Coriander: Conclusion

In conclusion, let your supermarket coriander thrive with proper care. This 2023 guide highlights the key steps: adequate sunlight, moderate watering, and a suitable container. Regular trimming ensures both health and abundant fresh leaves. 

Embrace the joy of gardening, and savor the aromatic bliss this herb brings to your kitchen. With a little love and attention, your coriander will flourish, enriching your life with its beauty and flavor. Happy gardening!

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