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Grow Sweet Potatoes from a Sweet Potato

Grow Sweet Potatoes from a Sweet Potato? 8-Step Guide

Are you a fan of delicious and nutritious sweet potatoes? Have you ever considered growing your own? Did you know that it’s possible to grow sweet potatoes from a sweet potato? Well, it may seem like a daunting task, but it’s much simpler than you might think! Not only is it a fun and rewarding experience, but it’s also a great way to save money and ensure that the sweet potatoes you eat are fresh and organic. 

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll take you through the process of growing sweet potatoes from sweet potato, whether you have a spacious backyard or just a small balcony. With a little bit of patience and some simple materials, you can grow your sweet potatoes that are bursting with flavor and packed with nutrients. You don’t need any exceptional tools or gardening know-how; it’s a breeze! So, let’s dive in and learn how to grow sweet potatoes from your store-bought ones!

Is it Possible to Grow Sweet Potatoes from a Sweet Potato?

Yes, it is fully possible to grow sweet potatoes from a sweet potato! In fact, it’s a popular method of growing sweet potatoes because it’s simple, cost-effective, and allows you to have control over the quality of your produce. A sprouted sweet potato consists of slips or shoots that can be planted and grown into an entirely new plant. With the right materials and care, you can easily grow sweet potatoes from sweet potatoes and enjoy the fruits of your labor in your favorite sweet potato dishes.

Grow Sweet Potatoes from a Sweet Potato
Image by George from Pixabay

Grow Sweet Potatoes from a Sweet Potato | 8 Steps

It is an easy and rewarding project to grow sweet potatoes from a sweet potato that anyone can do, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner. Let’s get into this step-by-step guide where we’ll take you through the process. Follow these steps!

Step 1: The Right Materials to Grow Sweet Potatoes

You’ll need the following materials to successfully grow sweet potatoes from a sweet potato:

  • One sweet potato
  • A jar or vase
  • Toothpicks
  • A small pot (or a space outside to plant your sweet potato)

Step 2: Choose Your Sweet Potato to Grow 

Choose a healthy sweet potato that is free of cuts, bruises, and blemishes. It’s also best to use an organic sweet potato to avoid any unwanted chemicals. Sweet potatoes with eyes or buds are more likely to sprout and grow successfully. Look for sweet potatoes that have several eyes or buds on them. Make sure that it is about 2-3 inches in diameter and 4-5 inches long. This size is ideal for sprouting and growing into a healthy plant. 

Step 3: Create the Best Sprouting Environment for Sweet Potatoes

Fill the jar (or vase) that is mentioned above with pure water and suspend the sweet potato over the top with toothpicks. Make sure the bottom of the sweet potato is submerged in the water and the toothpicks hold it in place. Sweet potatoes need warmth and sunlight to sprout. Place the jar or vase in a warm, sunny area of your home or outside in a location with full sun exposure. 

They also need high humidity to sprout successfully. So, you need to cover the jar with a plastic wrap to maintain humidity. You can also mist the sweet potato with water regularly to keep it moist. Change the water in the jar or vase every few days to prevent bacteria growth and ensure the sweet potato is getting fresh water. It takes about 2-3 weeks to sprout.

Step 4: Choose the Best Pot and Soil for the Sweet Potato Plant

Choose a pot that is at least 12 inches deep and has a diameter of at least 16 inches with many drainage holes to ensure excess water can drain away. Sweet potatoes grow best in well-draining, loose soil that is rich in organic matter. You can add a mixture of peat moss, perlite, and compost. The soil should be slightly acidic with a pH level between 5.0 and 6.5. 

Step 5: Plant the Sweet Potato Sprouts

Once the sprouts have grown to be about 4 to 6 inches long, gently remove them from the sweet potato and plant them in the soil. Dig holes in the soil that are deep enough to accommodate the sweet potato slips, with a spacing of 12 to 18 inches between plants. Make sure to space the rows at least 3 feet apart to allow enough room for the vines to spread. 

Gently separate the sweet potato slips from the main stem and plant them in the prepared holes, making sure the roots are covered with soil and the top of the slip is above ground. They need a warm, sunny location with well-draining soil. Choose a spot in your garden that gets at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day and has loose, fertile soil.

Step 6: Water and Fertilize Your Sweet Potato Plants

Sweet potatoes need plenty of water to thrive, so make sure to water them deeply once a week. If you’re growing them outside, water them in the morning to avoid fungus growth. The potatoes love nutrient-rich soil, so add compost to your pot or plant them in a spot with well-composted soil. This will help them grow bigger and healthier. You can also use organic compost. Would you like to know how to compost at home? Click here

Step 7: Mulch Your Sweet Potato Plants 

Mulching is an important part of caring for your sweet potato plants to retain moisture in the soil, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. To do this, wait until the soil temperature has reached at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread a layer of organic mulch around the base of your sweet potato plants, being careful not to cover the leaves or stems. 

Good mulch options for sweet potatoes include straw, leaves, grass clippings, or shredded bark. Keep the mulch layer about 2 to 3 inches thick, replenishing it as necessary throughout the growing season. Avoid piling the mulch up against the stems of the sweet potato plants, as this can cause them to rot. 

Step 8: Harvest Your Sweet Potatoes

After about 3 to 4 months, you’ll notice the leaves of the sweet potato plant start to yellow and wilt. This is a sign that it’s time to harvest. Simply dig them up carefully with a spade or fork, being sure not to damage the sweet potatoes.

Now You Can Grow Sweet Potatoes from a Sweet Potato with Fun

With just a little bit of effort, you can produce a bumper crop of delicious and nutritious sweet potatoes that are perfect for roasting, mashing, and baking. From selecting the right sweet potato to planting and caring for your sweet potato plants to harvesting your crop, we hope this step-by-step guide has provided you with all the information you need to successfully grow sweet potatoes from a sweet potato. 

So, go ahead and give it a try – you’ll be amazed at how easy and fun it can be to grow your sweet potatoes! Happy Gardening!

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